Monday 7 January 2013

Rob Kardashian Blasts Rita Ora On Twitter: “She Cheated On Me With Nearly 20 Dudes!”

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Rob Kardashian is taking his breakup with Rita Ora really well. So well, in fact, that he blasted his now ex girlfriend all over Twitter, claiming that she cheated on him with nearly two dozen guys while they were together.

Rob posted the following messages Monday (Dec 3) before quickly deleting them:

“She cheated on me with nearly 20 dudes while we were together, I wonder how many she will sleep with now that we apart? But I mean 20?!!!”

“How can a woman who is so busy trying to start her own career have time to be with so many dudes all while in a relationship?!”

“I’m actually disgusted a woman could give up her body to more than 20 dudes in less than a year’s time while trying to start a career.”

“When a woman cheats on you with one man I can live with that. People make mistakes, trust me. I have forgiven numerous times.

“But when a woman disrespects herself by messing with more than 20 men all while being in a relationship with a Faithful man… I just don’t get how a woman can do that to her body.

“And your career hasn’t even launched yet. I don’t put up with sloppiness. LOYALTY.”

To his credit, Rob never mentions Rita’s name outright … but we know how to put two and two together. And apparently, so does Twitter, because not too long after Rob’s tweets went viral on the popular social networking site, #RitaWhora became a worldwide trending topic.

But Rob maintains that he didn’t publicly diss Rita Ora … at least by name.

The next day, he tweeted:

“Just so we clear I never once mentioned ‘Rita Ora’ in any of my tweets or even used the word ‘whore’ and I never would. I Respect Women.”

“I speak truth. I’m a very Real dude and everything I say I mean… But never called anyone specific a whore and said any names. You all did.”

“Sad that the media created negativity for a young artist new to the game that is working so hard to make it. Never mentioned any names.”

Shame on you, media (and not Rob … because he did absolutely nothing wrong; he respects women), for creating all of this negativity around a “busy woman trying to start her career.” But not Rita Ora, because her name was never once mentioned, okay?

View the original article here

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